
From Zaparoo Wiki

These are vendors recognized by the TapTo project that sell TapTo devices and accessories. Vendors are listed in alphabetical order. Please check the NFC Readers and NFC Tags pages if you're looking for places to buy fully compatible generic NFC readers and tags.

Card Labels

Join the Discord and check the #label-printing channel for advice on printing services available for card labels which may have game art on them.

Vendor Ships from Ships to Items
Tim Wilsie USA USA TapTo RGB Collection Labels

Pre-built Readers

Vendor Ships from Ships to Items
BedroomNinja UK UK, Europe, USA TapTo NFC-Engine, TapTo NFC 1541
CrankyPizza USA Worldwide TapTo NFC-Engine
GOG UK UK Worldwide TapTo DIY Reader
wizzo Australia Worldwide TapTo USB-C Reader Germany Worldwide TapTo NFC-Engine, TapTo NFC 1541


Vendor Ships from Ships to Items
BedroomNinja UK UK, Europe, USA TapTo NFC-Engine Case, TapTo NFC 1541 Case
CrankyPizza USA Worldwide TapTo NFC-Engine
wizzo Australia Worldwide TapTo DIY Reader Kit

Case Labels

Vendor Ships from Ships to Items
BasgeMan Netherlands Worldwide TapTo NFC-Engine Label, TapTo NFC 1541 Label