Core API/Methods

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Revision as of 09:49, 23 September 2024 by Wizzo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=== Launching === ==== launch ==== Emulate the scanning of a token. This method accepts two types of parameters: * A single string, in which case the string will be treated as the token text with default launch options. Similar to the Launch Endpoint. * Or a parameters object with the following keys: {| class="wikitable" !Key !Type !Required !Description |- |type |string |No |An internal category of the type of token being scanned. Not...")
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Emulate the scanning of a token.

This method accepts two types of parameters:

  • A single string, in which case the string will be treated as the token text with default launch options. Similar to the Launch Endpoint.
  • Or a parameters object with the following keys:
Key Type Required Description
type string No An internal category of the type of token being scanned. Not currently in use outside of logging.
uid string No* The UID of the token being scanner. For example, the UID of an NFC tag. Used for matching mappings.
text string No* The main text to be processed from a scan, should contain TapScript.
data string No* The raw data read from a token, converted to a hexadecimal string. Used in mappings and detection of NFC toys such as Amiibos and Lego Dimensions.

These parameters allow emulating a token exactly as it would be read directly from an attached reader on the server. A request's parameters must contain at least a populated uid, text or data value.

This method does not have any response results. Currently, it is not reported if the launched TapScript encounters an error during launching.


Kill any active launcher, if possible.

This methods takes no parameters and does not currently report whether it was successful or not.



Query the media database and return all matching indexed media.

This request accepts the following parameters object:

Key Type Required Description
query string Yes Case-insensitive search by filename. By default, query is split by white space and results are found which contain every word.
system string[] No Case-sensitive list of system IDs to restrict search to. A missing key or empty list will search all systems.
maxResults number No Max number of results to return. Default is 250.

And a response with the following results object:

Key Type Required Description
results Media[] Yes A list of all search results from the given query.
total number Yes Total number of search results.
Media object
Key Type Required Description
system System Yes System which the media has been indexed under.
name string Yes A human-readable version of the result's filename without a file extension.
path string Yes Path to the media file. If possible, this path will be compressed into the <system>/<path> launch format.
System object
Key Type Required Description
id string Yes Internal system ID for this system.
name string Yes Display name of the system.
category string Yes Category of system. This field is not yet formalised.


Start a new media database index.

This method can, optionally, take a list of strings of system IDs to restrict the index to just those systems.

This method does not block and wait for the index to complete. It will return a response immediately and start in the background. media.indexing notifications will be sent to show progress of current indexing process.


List all currently indexed systems.

This method has no parameters and returns a response results object of a list of System objects.



List currently set configuration settings.

This method will list values set in the Config File. Values may be hidden which are not appropriate to be read remotely.


This method has no parameters.

Key Type Required Description
reader string[] Yes A list of manually configured reader driver connection strings. See reader.
audioFeedback boolean Yes
detectReaders boolean Yes
insertMode boolean Yes
insertModeBlocklist string[] Yes
insertModeExitDelay number Yes
consoleLogging boolean Yes
debug boolean Yes See debug.
systems Systems config Yes The systems section of the config file.
Systems config
Key Type Required Description
rootFolder string[] Yes
API config


Update one or more settings in-memory and save changes to disk.



List all mappings.

Returns a list of all active and inactive mappings entries stored on server.


Create a new mapping.



Delete an existing mapping.



Change an existing mapping.




List all currently connected readers.



Attempt to write given text to the first available write-capable reader, if possible.



Clients can only be managed through the API via a device-local connection.


List all clients (including disconnected) and associated data.

Create a new client with a newly generated ID and secret.


Delete an existing client.



Return server's current version and platform.