Main Page
From Zaparoo Wiki

Welcome to the TapTo Wiki! TapTo is an open system for launching games and scripted actions using physical objects like NFC tags. It's a great way to make playing games more accessible, and add some tactile fun to your gaming setup!
See the Getting Started page for everything you need to get up and running. Additional hardware may be necessary but is aimed to be affordable and easily available. Please join the Discord if you need any help or want to show off your work!
TapTo is currently supported on MiSTer FPGA, Windows, MiSTeX and Commodore 64.
New to TapTo?
- Getting Started - A step-by-step guide for everything you need to get up and running with your own TapTo setup!
- Vendors - Vendors recognized by the TapTo community selling NFC reader, custom cases and labels.
- Support - Where to get help if you're having a problem.
- Community Projects - Get inspired by these awesome custom TapTo projects created by the community!
- TapTo (Software) - The core TapTo software which runs on your game playing device.
- Config File (tapto.ini) - A guide for each option available in the TapTo config file.
- TapTo Designer - A web app to help you create awesome looking labels for NFC cards.
- TapTo Life - Manage TapTo, create tokens and scan them all using your phone!
- NFC Readers - A list of all types of generic NFC readers which work with TapTo, and known good sellers.
- Custom Cases - Custom NFC reader enclosures created by the community.
- Reader Drivers - Different connection methods available with the TapTo software and how to use them.